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hunspell-en_CA English (Canada) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-en_GB British English dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-en_NZ English (New Zealand) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-en_US US American English dictionaries for hunspell
hunspell-en_ZA English (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-es_ES Spanish (Spain) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-es_MX Spanish (Mexico) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-fo_FO Faroese dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-fr_FR French (Classic + 1990 Reform) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-fy_NL Frisian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ga_IE Irish dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-he_IL Hebrew dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-hr_HR Croatian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-hu_HU Hungarian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-id_ID Indonesian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-it_IT Italian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-lt_LT Lithuanian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-lv_LV Latvian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-mg_MG Malagasy dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ms_MY Malay dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-nl_NL Dutch dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ny_MW Chichewa dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-pl_PL Polish dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ru_RU Russian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-sk_SK Slovak dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-sv_SE Swedish dictionary for hunspell
hyperestraier Full-text search system for communities
hyphen Library for high quality hyphenation and justification
icu Robust and full-featured Unicode services
igor FreeBSD Project documentation sanity checker
iksemel XML parser library mainly designed for Jabber applications
intltool Internationalization Tool Collection
ipadic Japanese Morphological Dictionary including parameter for ChaSen
isearch Advanced text indexing and searching system
iso-codes List of country, language and currency names
iso12083 SGML DTDs from the The Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group
iso8879 Character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
ispell Interactive spelling checker
ispell-ca Catalan dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-de German dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-emacs Emacs interface for ispell spell checker
ispell-en_GB British dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-es Spanish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-fr French dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-ga Irish language support for ispell
ispell-gl Galician dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-ku Kurdish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-lt Lithuanian dictionary for ispell
ispell-pl Polish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-ro Romanian dictionary for ispell
ispell-ru Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev
ispell-ru-io Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev
ispell-sk Slovak dictionary for ispell
ispell-sv Swedish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
itex2MML Converts itex equations to MathML
itstool ITS Tool allows you to translate XML documents with PO files
ja-grep GNU grep + multi-byte extension
ja-groff Japanese enhancement of GNU groff
ja-sed GNU sed + multi-byte extension
jansson C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
java-mecab MeCab java module
java-native-hyperestraier Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
java-pure-hyperestraier Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
jdom Simple API for processing XML documents in Java
jing RELAX NG validator in Java
jo JSON output from a shell
jrep Command-line grep-like utility written in Java
json-c JSON library in C
json-glib JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
json-schema C++ library to validate JSON documents against JSON Schemata
json-yaml Convert JSON to YAML and back
json2tsv Convert JSON to TSV
jsoncpp JSON reader and writer in C++
kakasi Kanji-Kana Simple Inverter, language filter for Japanese
kapidox Frameworks API Documentation Tools
kbanner Display kanji files in large letters
kcodecs Collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings
kcompletion Text completion helpers and widgets
kpimtextedit Textedit with PIM-specific features
latex2html LaTeX to HTML converter
LaTeXML (V) LaTeX to XML/HTML/MathML Converter
LDoc Lua Documentation Tool
libclucene Text search engine written in C++
libcroco Toolkit to parse and manipulate CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
libcsv CSV library written in pure ANSI C89
libexttextcat Text categorization library
libfastjson Fast json library for C
libhighlight Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting (shared library)
libkkc (V) Japanese Kana Kanji conversion library
liblinebreak Library for line breaking in a Unicode sequence
liblrdf Library for easy manipulation of LADSPA plugin RDF descriptions
libnxml C library for parsing, writing and creating XML files or streams
libodfgen Library to generate ODF documents through libwpd and libwps
libpinyin Library to deal with pinyin
libplist Handle Apple Binary and XML Property Lists
libunicode Library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings
libuninameslist Library of Unicode names and annotation data
libunistring Unicode string library
libxls Extract cell data from legacy Microsoft Excel files